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Moore Tire Center
2164 Community Drive
Bath, Pa 18014

Phone: 610-759-6168
Normal Hours:
​MONDAY - FRIDAY: 8:00AM - 5:00 PM
Closed Daily for Lunch - 12:00PM to 12:30PM Closed SATURDAY & SUNDAY
(exceptions directly below)

Check here for information Hours, holidays .....etc
Be Alert - School is in !!

To drop-off your car for PA Inspection
:please do the following
o Leave current insurance and registration cards
.on the front seat of the vehicle
o Use the key drop to the right of the front door

To make an appointment or leave a short message during lunch time, non-business hours or an emergency, use one of the following methods
Method 1
Send a text to --- 484-597-2955
Method 2
Call and leave a message --- 484-597-2955
Method 3
Send an email to ---
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Now Hiring
Apply Within
Family Atmosphere
On-site Parking Notice at MTC
When visiting MTC, please park as close to the MTC building due to construction on the eastern end of the parking lot.
( Future site of outside, on-site vehicle parking such as cars, trucks, motor homes, travel trailers,
boats, race trailers.......etc
(Call 610-759-6168 for pricing, length of stay and vehicle information required !!!)
​​We would like to thank you for patronizing our business for the last 50+ years and we are looking forward to continuing our services for many more years to come.
Hope to see you soon.
Stay safe Stay healthy
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Certified ASE mechanics,
licensed inspection mechanics,
tire specialists and notary service
are available to meet your automotive, truck, trailer and motorcycle needs.

​​Stay safe, well and healthy!!!!!​
​You can now "wait" for your vehicles
in the office waiting area !!!!
Call 610-759-6168
to talk to Zane about dropping off/pickup of vehicles/keys.
(Call for Appointments )
You will be called when your vehicle is ready for you.
Normal hours
Monday thru Friday 8am - 5pm
Closed Daily for lunch from 12:00PM - 12:30PM
​​​​Call us for
​(inspection, wipers, tires, batteries,
oil change, wheel alignment, tire repair ........ etc)
See menu above or below for more options!

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